Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How to get spotless and clear skin in 2Hours DIY (DO IT YOURSELF)

Many people are throwing peel of the fruits after having fruit but even the peels contains lot of powerful antioxidants, Fiber and vitamins which helps your health and skin. Orange is very good source of vitamins and minerals. It contains Vitamin C and A is very beneficial for skin. Coming to pomegranate peel it purifies the blood to prevent the outbreak of wrinkles, and improves skin complexion.

Pomegranate peel face pack:


Dried Pomegranate Peel
1Tbsp of Raw Honey
Half Lemon Juice


Don’t throw the pomegranate peel, cut into smaller pieces and dry it under sunlight, after dried cut into smaller pieces and make it powder using grinder and keep the powder in air tight container, you can store up to 3 months. Take 3tsp of Dried Pomegranate Peel powder, 1Tbsp of Raw Honey and Half lemon juice, Mix all the ingredients together and apply it on your face, after half a hour wash it off with a Luke warm water water. Repeat this process twice a week for better results.
Benefits of Pomegranate: Pomegranate is named as “fruit of heaven” because of its vital vitamins.  It helps all kind of skins, oily or dry from Acne, Anti-Aging, Scars, and provides youthful and glowing skin.

Orange Peel Face Pack:


2tbsp of Lemon peel powder
1tbsp Honey
1tbsp Almond oil


Take a bowl with 2tbsp of Lemon peel powder, 1tbsp Honey, 1tbsp Almond oil and mix all the ingredients together and make smooth paste. Apply it on your face after 30minutes wash it off with Luke warm water.

Benefits of Orange: It helps in reducing dark spots and makes skin soft, natural glowing, natural skin and skin complexion. It protects skin from harmful UV rays and makes you to feel fresh and it also provides skin an instant Boost.

Thank you!!!!

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