Wednesday, August 17, 2016


            Hello Everyone
            Apple cider vinegar has amazing health benefits which are proven scientifically. Apple cider vinegar is known as cider vinegar or ACV is a type of vinegar which are made from cider or apple which has pale medium amber color. Apple cider vinegar is used in salads, marinades, food preservatives and chutneys etc.  It is made by crushing apples and squeezing out the liquid.

Apple cider vinegar contains chromium which can alter insulin levels and it is recommended to people who are suffering from diabetes should talk to the doctors before using it. Apple cider vinegar is rich source in potassium and can aid in curing many diseases. Apple cider vinegar is a helpful health tonic that helps to cure diabetes, cancer, heart health, high cholesterol, and weight loss from many years.
Relieves Constipation:
Apple cider vinegar acts as a natural laxative. It stimulates digestive juices that help the body break down food. Apple cider vinegar also contains pectin which is a water solvable fiber that’s helps to normalize acid levels and increase the absorption of fiber. A diet rich in fiber helps to stimulate regular bowels movement.

Detoxes the body:
Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial and antimicrobial properties. Consuming apple cider vinegar daily helps to flush out harmful toxins from the body.
Lowers blood pressure:
Studies show Apple cider vinegar lowers blood pressure and promotes heart health.
Fights Cancer:
Apple cider vinegar is rich in antioxidant that’s helps to fight with cancer.
Aids Weight loss:
Apple cider vinegar is famous for weight loss going viral on internet it loss fat and reduces sugar carvings.
Fights Cold:
Apple cider vinegar is loaded with immune boosting vitamins and anti-oxidants that helps to keep you healthy.
Clear sinus:
Apple cider vinegar helps to break mucus and clears sinus cavities.
Fights Allergies:
Along with boosting immune system apple cider vinegar helps to break up mucus and supports lymphatic drainage.
Balance blood sugar levels:
Acetic acid found in Apple cider vinegar can help balance blood sugar levels and improve diabetes.
Regulate PH
Balancing your bodies PH can reduce chronic risk of illness and boosts energy.
Cures Candida:
To treat candida overgrowth you must stop the yeast from spreading. One of the most effective ways to do that is to rebuild your gut bacteria.
Fights acid reflux:
Contrary to popular belief acid reflux typically results from having too little acid in your stomach. To improve the acid content of your stomach drink apple cider vinegar before meals. Just add a table spoon of raw apple cider vinegar to large glass of water and drink.
Remove warts:
Apply apple cider vinegar on warts every day for one week before going to bed then put cotton on it and cover with band aid over the night.
Helps in Clear Acne:
The ph. of Apple cider vinegar makes it a great remedy for skin.
Soothes sunburn:
Adding Apple cider vinegar to warm bath water can help soothe sunburn.
Make hair shine:
Mix tbsp. of Apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water pour mixture onto hair after shampooing. This can be used as natural conditioner and is known to make hair shine.

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