Saturday, August 20, 2016


5:36:00 PM
Hello EVERY one
A miracle homemade make wrinkles to become a memory and look 10 years younger overnight. This cream made from only 4 ingredients and which are easily available in kitchen. Thousands of women’s are using this homemade cream to rejuvenate their facial skin and to get rid of wrinkles permanently. 

Wrinkles come with our age, but we always worry about our beauty and spend tones of amount for parlor’s, beauty clinics and for surgeries and which won’t give you a desired results, so it’s always better to use homemade remedies to save your beauty.

A wrinkle is also known as a rhytide, is a fold, ridge or crease in the skin. Wrinkles typically appears as a result of aging process such as glycation, habitual sleeping positions, loss of body mass, or temporarily, as the result of prolonged immersion in water. There are many ways to reduce the wrinkles but the remedy which I’m going to share you is the best’s way to get rid and it gives you effective results overnight.

The mask is full with antioxidants and will help hydrate the skin, removing dark circles around the eyes, and acne, as well. It is very simple to prepare it.
·         1 cup of water
·         1 table spoon of honey
·         1 tablespoon of milk
·         3 table spoon of rice
How to prepare it:
Pour the water in a pot and place the rice in it before the water boils. Let it simmer for 3 minutes and then let it cool off. Then strain it and store it in a glass container. Finally, add the honey and milk, and mix well to get a fine paste.

How to use it: wash your face and apply the mask with circular movements, gently massaging the skin. Let it act for 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Use this mask once a week for Effective results.
Raw honey is amazing for the skin due to its antibacterial and anti-aging abilities and honey is the important ingredient in many anti-aging skin cares.

Milk is light and gentle cleanser designed for daily use to remove dirt, wrinkles and makeup.
Rice is the beauty secret of Japanese ladies has known for centuries. Rice Flour is really good for blemishes, wrinkles and pigmentation. It is also known for its soothing and softening properties. Rice contains anti-aging properties that aids in fighting wrinkles and sun damage.
Try this & comment below
Thank you.

Friday, August 19, 2016


2:28:00 PM
“Toothache” refers to a pain in and around the teeth and jaws and that is caused by tooth decay.  You may feel teeth ache in many ways, it can come and go or constant. While eating or drinking you may feel the pain particular if the food or drink is hot or cold. Pain can also be mild or severe it depends upon the situation of your teeth.

If you have tooth ache, you may have a cavity or advanced gum diseases, this is the first sign of decay and may be you feel little pain. If the pulp the inside of the tooth that has a tissue and nerves has become irritated then you a feel a pain in your tooth. Sometimes you will be suffered from fever or head ache when you have tooth ache because nerves are connected to each other.
Toothache remedy: clove oil
To start you will need a piece of clean tissue or a cotton swab or a cotton ball , soak in clove oil thoroughly and then hold it gently against the sore tooth or gum. Suddenly if you got a tooth ache if you don’t have a clove oil then you can even use clove too. Take a clove, chew a little bit and hold it for half an hour you will feel relief.

Toothache remedy: Ginger and cayenne
Take equal amount of cayenne and ginger paste and mix with enough water to make a paste. Soak cotton ball in the paste and apply it under the tooth where u feels pain for about 15 minutes to numb the nerves.
Toothache remedy: Swish some salt water
Take a teaspoon of salt dissolved in cup of boiling water and gargle with it you will feel relief soon and other benefit is it relives you from sore throat too.
Toothache remedy: Soothe with tea.
Peppermint is a hybrid mint and has a nice flavor. Generally it grows in best moist, shaded locations. Peppermint has high menthol content and numbing power. Take a teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves and add in a cup of boiling water, steep for 20 minutes and let it cool for some time, then swish it around in your mouth and spit it. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


3:05:00 PM

            Hello Everyone
            Apple cider vinegar has amazing health benefits which are proven scientifically. Apple cider vinegar is known as cider vinegar or ACV is a type of vinegar which are made from cider or apple which has pale medium amber color. Apple cider vinegar is used in salads, marinades, food preservatives and chutneys etc.  It is made by crushing apples and squeezing out the liquid.

Apple cider vinegar contains chromium which can alter insulin levels and it is recommended to people who are suffering from diabetes should talk to the doctors before using it. Apple cider vinegar is rich source in potassium and can aid in curing many diseases. Apple cider vinegar is a helpful health tonic that helps to cure diabetes, cancer, heart health, high cholesterol, and weight loss from many years.
Relieves Constipation:
Apple cider vinegar acts as a natural laxative. It stimulates digestive juices that help the body break down food. Apple cider vinegar also contains pectin which is a water solvable fiber that’s helps to normalize acid levels and increase the absorption of fiber. A diet rich in fiber helps to stimulate regular bowels movement.

Detoxes the body:
Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial and antimicrobial properties. Consuming apple cider vinegar daily helps to flush out harmful toxins from the body.
Lowers blood pressure:
Studies show Apple cider vinegar lowers blood pressure and promotes heart health.
Fights Cancer:
Apple cider vinegar is rich in antioxidant that’s helps to fight with cancer.
Aids Weight loss:
Apple cider vinegar is famous for weight loss going viral on internet it loss fat and reduces sugar carvings.
Fights Cold:
Apple cider vinegar is loaded with immune boosting vitamins and anti-oxidants that helps to keep you healthy.
Clear sinus:
Apple cider vinegar helps to break mucus and clears sinus cavities.
Fights Allergies:
Along with boosting immune system apple cider vinegar helps to break up mucus and supports lymphatic drainage.
Balance blood sugar levels:
Acetic acid found in Apple cider vinegar can help balance blood sugar levels and improve diabetes.
Regulate PH
Balancing your bodies PH can reduce chronic risk of illness and boosts energy.
Cures Candida:
To treat candida overgrowth you must stop the yeast from spreading. One of the most effective ways to do that is to rebuild your gut bacteria.
Fights acid reflux:
Contrary to popular belief acid reflux typically results from having too little acid in your stomach. To improve the acid content of your stomach drink apple cider vinegar before meals. Just add a table spoon of raw apple cider vinegar to large glass of water and drink.
Remove warts:
Apply apple cider vinegar on warts every day for one week before going to bed then put cotton on it and cover with band aid over the night.
Helps in Clear Acne:
The ph. of Apple cider vinegar makes it a great remedy for skin.
Soothes sunburn:
Adding Apple cider vinegar to warm bath water can help soothe sunburn.
Make hair shine:
Mix tbsp. of Apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water pour mixture onto hair after shampooing. This can be used as natural conditioner and is known to make hair shine.

Friday, August 12, 2016


2:07:00 PM
Hello EVERY one
A Small Fleshy bump on the skin is called warts and this caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). It occurs on human hands, feet and other parts of the body. Warts are caused by a viral infection and as there are as many as 10 varieties in warts. The most common one is considered as harmless and it is possible to get the warts from one person to other as they are contagious and enter in the body in an area of broken skin. Warts are usually asymptomatic except they occur on weight bearing areas.

Range of warts has been identified and they are usually painless, except the one who has the warts on the feet. These are called plantar warts and if you have you feel it like you are walking on a small pebble.
Warts even the word sounds unpleasant! Warts can be frustrating and disfiguring as they are difficult to treat and do not have a cure. It makes you to feel embarrassing to have warts on face or hands or legs which can be seen by everyone. However most of the people want to remove their warts due to aesthetic reason. On the other hand some people advise us to not to even touch it because it’s dangerous and harmful.
Now you might have a doubt that how would you know which wart is dangerous and which is not, it’s better to take a doctor’s advice if it virus and harmful then you should remove it with a medical treatment. If the wart is not harmful and you are not liking it and want to remove it then we have natural remedies to remove it you can use it.
Here are some remedies to remove warts naturally.
Apply apple cider vinegar on warts every day for one week before going to bed then put cotton on it and cover with band aid over the night.
2.       DUCT TAPE
Cut a small size duct tape and cover it on your wart completely and repeat this process until the wart falls off.
After having the banana don’t throw the peel take the inner side of the banana peel and rub it on your wart and cover with band aid continue this everyday till the wart falls off. As it gives very effective results and this trick is going on viral on internet.
4.       COCONUT OIL
As this is also helps you to remove your warts easily as we use coconut oil daily for cleaning and moisturising the skin. Proponents say that it is antiviral, anti-fungal and antibacterial so it’s better to apply organic coconut oil on the warts daily and cover it with band aid.
5.       ALOE VERA
Most of the people knows is great for burns and it can be used as herbal antibiotic as this also helps to remove the warts apply it daily before going to bed and cover with band aid.
Thank you!!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


6:29:00 PM

Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and acid salts that stick together in concentrated urine. They can be painful when passing through the urinary tract, but usually don't cause permanent damage.
The most common symptom is severe pain, usually in the side of the abdomen, that's often associated with nausea.
Kidneys are essential to having a healthy body. To remove excess liquid accumulated in our body through urine toxins. Treatment includes pain relievers, natural treatment and drinking lots of water to help pass the stone.

Researchers have found evidence that a natural fruit extract is capable of dissolving calcium oxalate crystals, the most common component of human kidney stones. This finding could lead to the first advance in the treatment of calcium oxalate stones in 30 years.
Jeffrey Rimer, associate professor of chemical engineering at the University of Houston, was lead author of the study, published Aug. 8 in the online edition of Nature. The work offers the first evidence that the compound hydroxycitrate (HCA) is an effective inhibitor of calcium oxalate crystal growth that, under certain conditions, is actually able to dissolve these crystals. Researchers also explain how it works.
The findings are the result of a combination of experimental studies, computational studies and human studies, Rimer said.
Kidney stones are small, hard mineral deposits that form inside the kidneys, affecting up to 12 percent of men and seven percent of women. High blood pressure, diabetes and obesity can increase the risk, and the reported incidence is on the rise.
Preventive treatment has not changed much over the last three decades. Doctors tell patients who are at risk of developing stones to drink lots of water and avoid foods rich in oxalate, such as rhubarb, okra, spinach and almonds. They often recommend taking citrate (CA), in the form of potassium citrate, a supplement that can slow crystal growth, but some people are unable to tolerate the side effects.

Coming to the point to flush away gall stones from your kidney within 10 days follow this procedure.
*For the first five days, take four glasses of apple juice every day, or eat four or five apples - whichever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gallstones. But make sure to eat normally within that period.

*On the sixth day, don't take dinner, except for a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water.

*By 8pm, repeat the same. Magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts.

*And by 10, take half-cup olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup fresh lemon juice. Mix it well and drink. The oil lubricates the stones and ceases their passage.
Note: It takes more than 10 days if you have more gall stones like up to 100.
The next morning, you will find green stones on your stools. "Usually they float,”.
Gallstones may not be everyone's concern, but they should be considering the fact that they can lead to cancer.

"Cancer is never the first illness,".


6:26:00 PM

Garlic is a magical herb. In fact, it is a natures greatest antibiotic!. There are tons of health benefits if you eat garlic a day. Some of them include its ability to treat heart ailments, fight cold cough, cancer and many more…

Normally we Indians always use garlic in each and every curry to add the flavor and for a good taste and we use it mostly for tadkas or talimpu. Always we avoid to eat this and even I used to do the same because of the smell when it’s fried but sometimes I eat it when is not fried completely.
Garlic contains a compound called Allicin which has potent medical properties and mostly used in ancient days to treat most of the diseases. Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family. It is closely related to onions, shallots and leeks. It grows in many parts of the world and is a popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell and delicious taste.
Garlic cloves comes from With a history of human use of over 7,000 years, garlic is native to central Asia, and has long been a staple in the Mediterranean region, as well as a frequent seasoning in Asia, Africa, and Europe. It was known to Ancient Egyptians, and has been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes.

Garlic is rich in compounds like sulphur zinc and calcium. Not only good for health but also beauty purpose too we can use the garlic clove.
-          Boosts immune system
-          Blood pressure management
-          Reduce cholesterol
-          Antibiotic
-          Improves circulation
-          Heart health
-          Yeast infections
-          Breast cancer
-          Colon cancer
-          Parasites
-          Allergies
-          Vaginitis
-          Toothaches
-          Increase absorption of iron
-          Fight with cold and flu
-          Leukemia
-          Chronic bronchitis
-          Respiratory problem
-          Ear infection
-          Reduce risk of heat attack and stroke
-          Tonsillitis remedy
-          Aids in treating eye infection
-          Provides relief from acne and asthma
-          Pimples and spots treatment
-          Black head and white head removal
-          Stretch marks removal
-          Garlic is excellent for hair growth
Even if you love garlic its impossible to consume raw garlic by combining honey and garlic the intensity of garlic flavor mellows then your van have it easily, honey is also loaded with health and beauty benefits.

Monday, August 8, 2016


5:02:00 PM

Hello Everyone!!!!
Today I’m going to share you my Henna mask to turn your white or gray hair color into black or brown, silky and shiny.

Now a day everyone is facing problem with the grey or white hair in both men’s and women’s due to not taking proper protein food. Keratin is the protein that makes up our hair, throughout the years. Melanocytes continue to inject pigment into the hairs keratin, giving it a colorful hue. With age comes a reduction of melanin, the hair turns gray and eventually white. Most of the people hair turns grey or white at the young age as this because of the hereditary, vitamin deficiency, thyroid disorders and smoking.

Heredity: if your mother or father hair turned white or gray at young age, you may get genetically premature graying. Your genes determine when production of melanin stops and your DNA may destine you to white or gray hair at young age.
Vitamin deficiency:  premature graying could be sign of a vitamin deficiency especially lack of vitamin B if you eat balanced diet and don’t suffer from malnutrition.
Thyroid Disorders:  If your thyroid falls to produce enough thyroid hormone then you suffer from hyperthyroidism this may leads to premature hair greying.
 Smoking:  Recently scientist has discovered if a men or women want to get rid of white or grey hair is only by quitting smoking.  
Now, coming to our Henna Mask, to turn your grey or white hair into black or brown the above mentioned ingredients are needed.

Nupur henna
Beet root
Egg White
Tea powder
Lemon Juice
Note: if have used Nupur henna instead of it you can choose some other brand too.
Directions:  I have a mid-length hair so I have used 500 gm henna pack you can select as per your length of hair. Cut a beet root in smaller than smaller size take 3tbsp of tea powder add this into a bowl of 3 glass of water let the water start boiling until unless we won’t get a color like this and let the water becomes cool.

Transfer Nupur mehendi in an iron bowl and add the little little water which we have prepared with tea powder and beet root and make the soft paste and soak it for the whole night or at least for 3 hours and mix 1 egg white and 1 lemon juice, mix it gently and apply it to your hair and let it be for 2 hours then wash off your hair without hair and don’t use the hot water.

Note: after applying the henna you should not wash your hair with shampoo for the next 24 hrs. And wash it with hot water as it not only affect the color but also it delicate your hair which leads to hair fall or damage.

Benefits: henna is a natural herbal powder which is not only used for color but also it helps to prevent the hair from dandruff and scalp itching. It acts as a good conditioner for your hair and helps to grow your hair quickly. Beet root is rich source in iron and it gives you a natural color to your hair than the chemicals. Egg white conditions to your hair if you have a dry or brittle hair then it helps to moisturize your hair.

 Thank you!!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2016


6:32:00 PM

 Hi Everyone,

 5 Natural whitening masks for your armpits
Get softer, smoother and whiter underarms with a natural scrub, and also the scrub helps you to get rid of any body odor and keeps your armpit fresh and clean throughout the day.
Do you feel so embarrassed lifting your arms up in the air when you are wearing your favorite sleeveless dress or blouse? Then you are not the exception, dark underarms do exist and it is real and many are struggling with this as it make you feel shy or shame because as it effects your self-confidence, self-esteem and self-consciousness.
You should know why this dark under arms cause
Dark underarms may cause due to the ticker hair under the skin or due to shaving, because waxing removes the hair from the root, it may leave area may lighter and softer.
Skip deodorants, as this may cause your skin darker and harsh due to its chemical substances.

Whisk a table spoon of organic yoghurt in a bowl and add few drops of lemon juice, then apply it on your armpits. Leave it for 15 minutes then rinse with cold water.
Take 2 table spoon of baking soda and 2 to 3 drops of coconut oil, mix it well apply it and rinse it after 20 minutes.
Apple cider vinegar can also help to reduce dark patches and makes skin smooth. Dilute Apple cider vinegar with equal quantity of water and use it on armpits for 5 to 10 minutes.

4.       RICE MASK
Take a table spoon of rice flour and mix a table spoon of milk and make a thick paste apply it and wash it off after 20 minutes.
5.       OAT MEAL MASK
Mix a ripe tomato along with lemon juice and a ground oat meal until a paste is formed. Smooth the mixture on, leaving it about 15 to 30 minutes then wash it off with cool water. 
Mash fresh papaya and a honey for lightening mask. Apply it and wait for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water. This helps to cleanse and also exfoliate the skin.
7.       LEMON SCRUB
Take a slice of lemon and rub it on your underarms daily before going to bath and apply some moisturizer after bath to avoid dry skin.
Mix lime juice with cucumber juice and add a pinch of turmeric apply it on your armpits and wash it off after 20 minutes. Lemon bleaches and removes dead cells, cucumber provides cooling affect and turmeric helps in discoloration.
Try these as it helps you to get rid of dark underarms quickly and comment about your results.
Thank You!!!!

Friday, August 5, 2016


3:58:00 PM
 Hello Everyone,
              Usually in summer, we get sun tan on arms, hands, legs, face, back and other parts of the body               Which are under sun Exposure but now- a-days pollution is also one reason for Sun tan, before you start from the home once have a look on your face, hands or legs and again in the evening when you reach your home back, you can see the differences easily in the color. To get rid of this tan or to lighten your body or face we can make many home remedies which are completely natural and best way than going to parlors or using some harmful chemicals.

Summer not only tans your skin but it also makes your skin dull and uneven, not only to get back the glow what you have but also get or retain your dead, dry skin and moisture. This methods are not newly invented it’s followed by the ancient days from our granny’s, the only thing is we always show interest to hear the same from someone and follow that, but not from our granny’s or our mother who are using this methods from years.
Here are some methods to remove sun tan easily from your body instantly:
1.       Turmeric, Gram Flour, Raw Milk and a pinch of salt
Take turmeric powder and gram flour in equal quantity add 2tbsp of Raw milk and pinch of salt mix all the ingredients and apply this on your body and let it dry for 20 minutes and wash it off with cool water.
2.       Brown sugar and Lemon juice
Add 2tbsp of brown sugar and half lemon juice mix it well and apply it on your hands and wash it of after 20-30minutes.
3.       Potato paste or juice and lemon juice
Take one potato cut into slices and grind it, add 1 lemon juice completely, mix and apply it on your hands. Wash it off with cool water after 30 minutes.
4.       Fuller’s earth or multhani mitti and rose water
Take 3tbsp of multhani mitti and add 2 tbsp. of rose water mix it and apply it on your hands. Wash it off after 15 minutes.
5.       Aloe Vera Gel
Take a aloe Vera gel and apply it on your face, hands or complete body and wash it off with cool water once it’s dried.   
Aloe Vera you can use it regularly also it gives quick results to lighten your skin, to remove your tan and makes your glowing.

Try it and comment soon 

Thursday, August 4, 2016


4:54:00 PM

Black heads are the feature of acne, a common skin condition that involves lesions frequently referred to as pimples, spots, zits, White heads and Black heads. Black heads are a specific kind of dark acne lesion, so called as they contain melanin, the pigment made by skin cells called melanocytes. Black heads are very common and annoying, occurs when your pores become clogged with excess sebum oil created by sebaceous glands that keeps skin supple and dead skin cells.

Differences between white heads and black heads
Usually, sebum drains to the surface of the skin. When sebum blocked by a plug of oil and dead skin cells, trapped bacteria begins growing underneath, the result is white head. Black head occurs, when an opening in the skin pores develops, exposing the melanin into sebum to air and causing it to turn dark.
We usually visit parlor’s for all kind of beauty treatment and even for blackheads, but the method what the parlor’s use to remove black heads are not right as they squeeze it or they use a pin to remove it after applying the cream due to this your black heads will grow more and your pores look very clear on the skin.
Simply I will tell you the home made tips to remove the black heads and it gives you amazing results.
1.       Charcoal and glue
Take two capsules of charcoal, cut and transfer into a small bowl and add a tbsp. of glue and mix it well, apply it on your nose let it dry for some time, when you feel like it’s completely dried, remove it black heads or white comes along with the charcoal and glue mask.
2.       Baking soda, lemon juice and raw milk
Take a 2 tbsp of baking soda, 1tbsp of lemon juice and 1 tbsp of raw milk, mix all the ingredients together, apply it on your nose for 15 minutes and remove it.
3.       Brown sugar, lemon juice and honey
Take a 2 tbsp of brown sugar, 1tbsp of lemon juice and 1tbsp of honey, mix all the ingredients, and apply it.
4.       Oatmeal, lemon juice and turmeric
Take a 2tbsp of oatmeal, 4tbsp of lemon juice and 1tbsp of turmeric powder mix all together and apply it on your nose.
5.       Fenugreek seeds
Take a little amount of fenugreek seeds and soak it for whole night, add little water and make a thick paste and apply it on your nose scrub it and keep it for 20 minutes and rinse it off with warm water. Continuously repeat this for some days and you can see your black heads will fade away and even older one too.

Note: Before Applying this remedies make sure your skin is cleaned with warm water without any dirt.