Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Hello Viewers,

Gaining weight is very easily than weight loss. We all of them try many of the methods, process and recipes either by home remedy or weight loss products. Home remedies are always been a bests option for weight loss, beauty tips or for some other purposes. To lose weight quickly we can opt for many, but to select right kind of method or procedure is a very difficult task.

Image result for botox water recipes for quick weight loss

Among all of the recipes, today I’m going to tell you the right and quick detox water recipe by following this you can lose your wait quickly and with no side effects. Before, we start the recipe further I suggest everyone who are using the products for weight loss, kindly avoid using it, it harms your body with allot of side effects.
There are many veggies or foods available to lose the weight quickly like

Veggies Botox:
Lemon Botox
Lemon and honey Botox
Lemon honey and cinnamon Botox
Mixed Botox Water recipes
Cucumber Botox
Apple cider vinegar and many

Foods for quick weight loss:
Boiled Eggs
Boiled potatoes
Beans & Legumes
Leafy greens and many
But among the entire recipes, cucumber Botox recipe is the best’s option to start your weight loss trip.

So, let’s get to the details how cucumber is going to help you in weight loss.
Cucumber is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family. It is a creeping vine that bears cucumiform fruits that are used as vegetables. There are three main varieties of cucumber: slicing, pickling, and seedless. Within these varieties, several cultivars have been created. In North America, the term "wild cucumber" refers to plants in the genera Echinocystis and Marah, but these are not closely related. The cucumber is originally from South Asia, but now grows on most continents. Many different types of cucumber are traded on the global market.
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Nutrients:  In a 100 gram serving, raw cucumber (with peel) is 95% water, provides 16 calories and supplies low content of essential nutrients, as it is notable only for vitamin K at 16% of the Daily Value (table).
Cucumber we can use in many ways for different types salad, raita, soup, cocktail and juice. Cucumber has a cool in nature that’s the reason we always used to have much in summer days as it makes your body cool it has low calories and with 95% water content. It has lots of nutritional benefits including hydrating properties. Due to more water content and less in calories helps you to reduce the weight quickly. You can make many recipes with cucumber, easily can find in Google. Use maximum of cucumber in your food, drinks and juices so that it will helps you reduce less than 2 months.
Recipe of Botox Cucumber:
Take a small or half medium Cucumber, 1 Lemon and Half Orange and cut them in thin slices
Take a small piece of ginger and chop it roughly
Take a few mint leaves
Take a big jug with 5-6 glasses of water and put all the vegetables in it.
Fill it with cold water and keep it in the refrigerator overnight.
Next morning drink 2 glasses of this flat tummy infused detox water empty stomach. If you don’t want to drink it chilled water you can put it aside at room temperature few minutes before drinking it. You can drink it either way- normal or cold, that won’t make any difference.
Sip a glass of water half an hour after lunch and dinner and whenever you are thirsty instead of drinking normal water, drink cucumber detox water and you will be amazed to see the difference.
Image result for cucumber orange and mint leaves

Do not strain it and drink....Just pour it in a glass and drink. At the end of the day you can refill it with fresh water. The same veggies can be used for 2 days and then you will need to change the vegetables.
Cucumbers are very beneficial for clear skin too; if you have dark patches apply it on daily basis to get rid of dark circles and to get a clear skin.

Hope you like our recipe.

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